Compiling MySQL Clients on Unix The examples here use gcc as the compiler. A different compiler might be appropriate on some systems (for example, clang on OS X or FreeBSD, or Sun Studio on Solaris). Adjust the examples as necessary. You may need to specify an -I option when you compile client programs that use MySQL header files, so that the compiler can find them. For example, if the header files are installed in /usr/local/mysql/include, use this option in the compile command: -I/usr/local/mysql/include MySQL clients must be linked using the -lmysqlclient option in the link command. You may also need to specify a -L option to tell the linker where to find the library.
For example, if the library is installed in /usr/local/mysql/lib, use these options in the link command: -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient The path names may differ on your system. Adjust the -I and -L options as necessary. To make it simpler to compile MySQL programs on Unix, use the script.
MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0 Developer Guide / Building Connector/C++ Applications / Building Connector/C++ 8.0 Applications from the Command Line with make. I have been heavily contemplating adding the Embedded MYSQL Server Library into my application. My software is a layer between a Game Server and a Web Management Panel.
Displays the options needed for compiling or linking: shell> mysql_config --cflags shell> mysql_config --libs You can run those commands to get the proper options and add them manually to compilation or link commands. Download dragon nest mods. Alternatively, include the output from directly within command lines using backticks: shell> gcc -c `mysql_config --cflags` progname.c shell> gcc -o progname progname.o `mysql_config --libs` On Unix, linking uses dynamic libraries by default. To link to the static client library instead, add its path name to the link command. For example, if the library is located in /usr/local/mysql/lib, link like this: shell> gcc -o progname progname.o /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a Or use to provide the library name: shell> gcc -o progname progname.o `mysql_config --variable=pkglibdir`/libmysqlclient.a does not currently provide a way to list all libraries needed for static linking, so it might be necessary to name additional libraries on the link command (for example, -lnsl -lsocket on Solaris).
To get an idea which libraries to add, use and ldd (or otool -L libmysqlclient.dylib on OS X). Pkg-config can be used as an alternative to for obtaining information such as compiler flags or link libraries required to compile MySQL applications. For example, the following pairs of commands are equivalent: mysql_config --cflags pkg-config --cflags mysqlclient mysql_config --libs pkg-config --libs mysqlclient To produce flags for static linking, use this command: pkg-config --static --libs mysqlclient For more information, see. Compiling MySQL Clients on Microsoft Windows To specify header and library file locations, use the facilities provided by your development environment.
To build C API clients on Windows, you must link in the C client library, as well as the Windows ws2_32 sockets library and Secur32 security library. You link your code with either the dynamic or static C client library. On Windows, the static library is named mysqlclient.lib and the dynamic library is named libmysql.dll. In addition, the libmysql.lib static import library is needed for using the dynamic library.
If the static C client library is used, the client application must be compiled with the same version of Visual Studio used to compile the C client library (which is Visual Studio 2013 for the static C client library built by Oracle). Note The is a standalone, drop-in replacement of the MySQL C client libraries that come with the MySQL server distribution. The Oracle-built contains currently two versions of the static client library, one built with Visual Studio 2013 and the other one with Visual Studio 2015; use the one that matches the Visual Studio version you use to compile your application.
When using the Oracle-built MySQL C client library (or MySQL Connector/C), following these rules when it comes to linking the C runtime for your client application. • If linking to the static C client library, link statically to the C runtime (use the /MT compiler option).
Compiling MySQL Clients on Unix The examples here use gcc as the compiler. A different compiler might be appropriate on some systems (for example, clang on OS X or FreeBSD, or Sun Studio on Solaris). Adjust the examples as necessary. You may need to specify an -I option when you compile client programs that use MySQL header files, so that the compiler can find them. For example, if the header files are installed in /usr/local/mysql/include, use this option in the compile command: -I/usr/local/mysql/include MySQL clients must be linked using the -lmysqlclient option in the link command. You may also need to specify a -L option to tell the linker where to find the library.
For example, if the library is installed in /usr/local/mysql/lib, use these options in the link command: -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient The path names may differ on your system. Adjust the -I and -L options as necessary. To make it simpler to compile MySQL programs on Unix, use the script.
MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0 Developer Guide / Building Connector/C++ Applications / Building Connector/C++ 8.0 Applications from the Command Line with make. I have been heavily contemplating adding the Embedded MYSQL Server Library into my application. My software is a layer between a Game Server and a Web Management Panel.
Displays the options needed for compiling or linking: shell> mysql_config --cflags shell> mysql_config --libs You can run those commands to get the proper options and add them manually to compilation or link commands. Download dragon nest mods. Alternatively, include the output from directly within command lines using backticks: shell> gcc -c `mysql_config --cflags` progname.c shell> gcc -o progname progname.o `mysql_config --libs` On Unix, linking uses dynamic libraries by default. To link to the static client library instead, add its path name to the link command. For example, if the library is located in /usr/local/mysql/lib, link like this: shell> gcc -o progname progname.o /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a Or use to provide the library name: shell> gcc -o progname progname.o `mysql_config --variable=pkglibdir`/libmysqlclient.a does not currently provide a way to list all libraries needed for static linking, so it might be necessary to name additional libraries on the link command (for example, -lnsl -lsocket on Solaris).
To get an idea which libraries to add, use and ldd (or otool -L libmysqlclient.dylib on OS X). Pkg-config can be used as an alternative to for obtaining information such as compiler flags or link libraries required to compile MySQL applications. For example, the following pairs of commands are equivalent: mysql_config --cflags pkg-config --cflags mysqlclient mysql_config --libs pkg-config --libs mysqlclient To produce flags for static linking, use this command: pkg-config --static --libs mysqlclient For more information, see. Compiling MySQL Clients on Microsoft Windows To specify header and library file locations, use the facilities provided by your development environment.
To build C API clients on Windows, you must link in the C client library, as well as the Windows ws2_32 sockets library and Secur32 security library. You link your code with either the dynamic or static C client library. On Windows, the static library is named mysqlclient.lib and the dynamic library is named libmysql.dll. In addition, the libmysql.lib static import library is needed for using the dynamic library.
If the static C client library is used, the client application must be compiled with the same version of Visual Studio used to compile the C client library (which is Visual Studio 2013 for the static C client library built by Oracle). Note The is a standalone, drop-in replacement of the MySQL C client libraries that come with the MySQL server distribution. The Oracle-built contains currently two versions of the static client library, one built with Visual Studio 2013 and the other one with Visual Studio 2015; use the one that matches the Visual Studio version you use to compile your application.
When using the Oracle-built MySQL C client library (or MySQL Connector/C), following these rules when it comes to linking the C runtime for your client application. • If linking to the static C client library, link statically to the C runtime (use the /MT compiler option).